Month: August 2016


How Virtual Reality Can Boost Workplace Productivity

Virtual reality has been the buzzword in the technology industry for a couple of years now. This emerging trend has already started to create a niche for itself in various businesses worldwide. The potential of virtual reality is increasingly being harnessed to optimise business outcomes. While the commercialisation of virtual […]


6 Quick Tips to Rank Higher in the Search Results

Ranking higher in the search results is something every website and brand wants to accomplish. However, with over a billion active sites on the internet constantly coming out with new content and also ranking in Google, this is nothing short of mission impossible. The difference between websites and blogs that […]


Why Learn Hadoop for a Career

Apache Hadoop is a reliable open source software project that aids in the distributed processing of huge data sets across clusters of computers making use of simple programming models. It is a scalable and distributed computing system that upgrades from one server to thousands of machines, each of them rendering […]


Ford Launching Revolutionary Headlight Tech

A few years ago, Ford Motor Company stood the auto industry on its head by defying convention and re-inventing their flagship pickup truck, the Ford F-150, by shedding significant steel poundage and giving it an aluminum body. At the time, critics and competitors alike claimed that there was no way […]