Search Results for "Muslims"

Society & Culture

Top 10 Major Festivals of India

Holi Holi is one of the most popular occasions that is celebrated almost all across the nation. It is also known as the “Festival of Colors” or “Festival of Love.” The Holi celebration starts the day before, where people follow the Holika Dahan tradition with utter rituals. People gather in […]

Travel and living

Whitechapel-a Cultural Guide

The city of London is gradually becoming one of the most thriving holiday destinations in the whole wide world and it is surely one of the most idealistic travel; destinations that will eventually make you feel thoroughly enriched all the time. London happens to be the capital of England and […]

Travel and living

All About Saint George

It is interesting to delve into history and understand the history and all that is related to St. George. Saint George and his date of birth is a question of debate with the hisotrians and it is a topic that is continued to be debated till today. This is a date […]

Other stories

Popular Names In World Religions

In other religions than Christian, that I am acquainted with, the prophets of that religion are quite often eternalized by naming children after them. Judaism will call children Moses, Islam will call children Mohammed, but Christians will not call their children Jesus. Why? I’ll be honest with you- the question […]

Fashion Other stories

Religion And Fashion-Uneasy Alliance

Religion and fashion seem diametrically opposed to one another. Religion is by nature based on conformity, conservatism, modesty, and dignity. Fashion, on the other hand stresses individuality, free expression, novelty, and pushing the standards of what is acceptable. The Conservatism of the Pious I have lived in what most people […]


Why Is Islamic Clothing So Inspirational?

Fashion is an integral part of religion, faith, and culture throughout the world. Naturally, the importance of fashion varies between communities. One culture and religion where fashion is highly valued, or at least highly important, is that of Islam. Why a Big Thing? The primary reason why fashion is so important […]