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All About Saint George

st-georgeIt is interesting to delve into history and understand the history and all that is related to St. George.

Saint George and his date of birth is a question of debate with the hisotrians and it is a topic that is continued to be debated till today. This is a date that has been under controversy and the date of death is also estimated to be around April 23 way back in 303 A.D. The earliest piece of evidence of the existence of George was visible in the works of the Bollandists Daniel Paperbroch Godfrey Henschen, and Jean Bolland. There is a Bibilotheca Hagiographica Graeca which was written by Godfrey Henschen and this is the earliest sign of proof of the existence of St. George. He was surely one of the many names that have been quoted in the historical text. In fact Pope Gelasius also claimed that George was one of the many saints whose names have only been respected among all the men. But usually these actions were known only to God.

More About Saint George

Saint George was born to a Polychronia and Gerontios. Polychronia was a Greek native of Lydda and Gerontios was a Roman officer. Both of them were Christians who came from very decent and noble families of George and Anici. In fact Georgios was brought up to follow the faith. It was in original Greek.

History of St.George's Life

George was quite old but he was always given a royal welcome in the Diocletian's army. By the time he was in his twenties George was a Tribunus and also served as a permanent imperial guard for the Emperor who was at Nicomedia. The story goes that in the year 303 A.D. in February 24, there was a Diocletian who did not like Christians and who said that each and every Christian that the army came across would be arrested. In fact it was also told that every other soldier should be ready to give a sacrifice for the Roman Gods. George did not accept to live up to the order and also told Diocletian that he was really fond of the friendship with George's father. He really valued the friendship but also was very particular about the entire relation. When George confided about his beliefs with the peers Diocletian was not able to keep the secret to himself. One had to make an effort to save George Diocletian tried to convert him so that many could believe in the Roman Gods. In fact he was offered land and also slaves as well as money . This was actually in exchange for an offering which included a sacrifice to the Roman Gods. There were several other offers which was refused by George.

The Story Goes On

Diocletian ordered that George be executed and this was after no option could be exercised. George was getting prepared for his death. He tried to give his money to the poor and he was in fact sent away many times for many sessions of torture. Then he was lacerated and needed resustication at least three times. George still did not turn from the Almighty even if he was lacerated on a wheel of swords. George was then decapitated in the year 303A.D. on April 23. George was thus decapitated in front of the outer wall of Nicomedia. His body was then taken to Lydda to be buried. There were many other Christians who went to revere George as he was their martyr.

Saint George and The Dragon

There are in fact many stories regarding George who loved to fight the dragon. In the Western version however a dragon or a crocodile had a nest which it made at a nearby spring. This spring gave water to Silene which is said to be in Libya in the area called Lycrene today. Those days people were not able to collect water and thus tried to take out the dragon from its nest many times. The dragon would leave the nest when it was offered to a sheep every day. Then the sheep disappeared leaving the people around very sad. This is the time it was decided that a maiden would also be equally effective in bringing a sheep. The people in the town then drew straws and decided the victim. This went on till one day the princess had her straw drawn. For all those who look for an accommodation hyde park London offers these are simple ways of enjoying the stay.

The Monarch

The Monarch then pleaded that the Princess be spared but the people never paid heed to it. She was given to the dragon and it is said that even before the dragon gobbled her, George appeared. He not only fought the dragon but also protected himself with the Cross and thus killed the dragon. The citizens then saved the town and let their paganism down and then coverted to Christianity.

Interesting Facts About St. George

Saint George is surely one among other saints as well as legends as he is revered and respected by not only Christians but also Muslims. It is believed that Saint George killed the dragon right near the Beirut sea and the bay there has been named in memory of him. In fact there is a feast that has been named after him on April 23. However if this happens to come before Easter then it is called Easter Monday. In fact The Russsian Orthodox Church celebrates the three feast days for St. George every year. These three days are April 23, November 3 and November 26. April 23 is the day he is felicitated, November 3 is to commemorate the consecration of a cathedral which was dedicated to him in Lydda and then November 26 is a day when a church in Kiev was made specially for George. So these three days are very important.

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