Search Results for "report published"

Web design

Prominent Back-end Frameworks to Consider in 2022

While the front-end constitutes the visual part of an app, the back-end is responsible for the app’s functioning. And, a back-end/ server-side framework is a library containing tools and modules that create the architecture of a website or an application. Unlike front-end development that involves creating/implementing the client-side of an […]


How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence a Start-up Economy?

The technological advancements of today shadow the brilliance of years as people seek further innovation in a race to achieve the best, and at the earliest to beat off the competition. Artificial intelligence has gradually found its way into the technological industry. It has established itself as an integral component in problem-solving, […]


Machine Learning Vs Cancer: The Dawn of Hope

The advent of medical science is one of the main reasons behind the humankind’s age-old survival. Absence of modern medication could have led to mass extinction, as the continuously increasing amounts of pollutants in the environment would have wiped out the entire human race by now. However, there are certain […]