Search Results for "straight"

Data security

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

In this digital world when almost everything is found on the internet, the concept of theft is not limited to the stealing of personal belongings only. In the era of modern technologies and social media, the theft of personal details is becoming a matter that calls for serious attention. When […]

Virtual Training

Virtual Training Equals Real-World Skills

We live in a world where fully accredited online universities exist. That is truly amazing, even unthinkable just a few decades ago. Before it could happen, there were a number of technical hurdles to overcome. First, we had to wait until computers were powerful enough to process real time audio […]


Choosing the Right Water Filter

We all know that clean water is one of the most important requirements for our good health. In fact, water from the tap does not contain dangerous bacteria. The trouble lies somewhere else - contamination comes from the old, rusty pipes and chemical disinfectants. The bottled mineral water is an […]


3D PDF Brain Imaging and Its Application in Court Trials

3D PDF brain imaging has various honest and lawful applications, notwithstanding paramount clinical applications. 3D PDF brain imaging techniques are fundamentally used to study mind and conduct connections, which help clinical and exploration teaches, for example, radiology, psychiatry, neurology, and clinical neuropsychology. Then again, there are various routes in which […]