Search Results for "price"


Tips That Will Add Value to Your Home

Looking to sell your home and hoping to get top dollar? Here are the five top items recommended by real estate experts that are sure to impress potential buyers and boost your asking price. 1. Kitchen Appliances. The most popular room in any home is the kitchen. It's also the most valuable on […]


Ways To Financially Prepare To Buy A Home

Many home buyers have been haunted by the problem of being able to save up enough money in order to buy a house. Though seemingly difficult, it is much simpler than how it appears to be. Since buying a house is a financial commitment, various factors have to be considered […]

Mobile devices

How To Buy The Phone You Want For Less

Pretty much everyone nowadays has or wants a smart phone. The advantages of smart phones are many, you can call and text, but you can also email, surf the web, schedule tasks, watch videos and a whole host of other things. Given how dependent we’ve all become on constant connectivity, […]


Using Vaporizers In Cuisine To Infuse Flavour

Science has greatly invaded our society nowadays that even cooking has adapted some scientific techniques of its own. Molecular gastronomy, a new sub-discipline of food science, makes it possible to incorporate certain techniques to cooking that were not ordinarily thought possible. One such example is the food aromatization technique. Preparing […]


Tips For Maintaining Your Roof

Most roofs are made to last 15 years and some will last even longer with good care. If you don’t want to end up paying more money than you ever should to protect your roof tune in to these simple solutions to roof maintenance. Regular Roof Inspections Maintenance and inspection […]


Chevy Volt Perfect for a Solar Powered Home

If you have implemented the use of solar energy in your home, you may have noticed that most of the energy goes to waste as a result of overproduction. However, GM’s new Chevrolet Volt, found in Chevy dealer in Dayton Ohio, gives you another option for directing excess solar energy […]