Search Results for "companies"


Types of Web Hosting Services

Web hosting is one of those core Internet concept that starts out easy and gets insanely confusing as you delve into it. Every website is ‘hosted’ somewhere.In other words, the ‘hosting’ entity runs a mechanism that not only provisions a given website but-most dangerously-makes it possible for other machines around […]


The Origin and Rise of E-Processes

E-processes effectively rose in the wake of e-finance, which began with the development of several disparate elements, many of which were developed in isolation. As these individual elements progressed, they began to be tied together in networks. As these networks then in turn developed, transforming business models and interactions amongst […]


How E-operations Can Boost Revenues?

Today, there is one idea that is transforming how we conduct business: that idea is e-operations. Once just a theoretical concept discussed by academics, e-operations has now become a core topic at business schools, a key element of some MBA courses, and, more recently, a subject for consideration in popular […]

Mobile devices

Google Carrier: Is Google Going to be the Next AT&T?

Will Google Android phones soon be using Google Carrier? Google’s long-term plan may go beyond Google Fiber and result in a fully-fledged Google telephone network. This could have widespread ramifications for Android users and even the global telecommunications market. Even more intriguing, it may actually be inevitable. Google Phones Without […]


Types of Health Insurance Plans

Navigating through the terminologies used in health insurance industry and choosing the best health insurance plan can be quite difficult. The sheer number of different types of health insurance plans can easily get you confused. In this article we will explain it to you all the types of major health […]


Tips for Outsourcing Transcription Services

If you are considering outsourcing audio typists, then you already know the benefits that come along with transcription services. The big question is how do you find the right provider for the job? Fortunately, there are many companies these days that offer audio typing services on the internet. Finding a […]


The Pharmaceutical Industry According to Jared Wheat

One man who has caused a transformation in the pharmaceutical industry is the President and CEO of Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Jared Robert Wheat. He is responsible for millions of online diet supplements including weight loss and sexual performance medication. On this interview, he gives his experience in the pharmaceutical industry […]