Search Results for "apartment"


The Most Common Craigslist Scams

You know what Craigslist is, right? If the answer is no, then surely you've been living under a rock since 1995 when the site first graced us with its presence. We use the term "graced" because, in lieu of its track record, Craigslist is pretty awesome. The online marketplace makes […]

velvet chairs

The Velvet Renaissance in Interior Design in 2014

Velvet… Any associations? Personally, I always think about Italian Baroque, about the excessive luxury of the Louvre, about damsels in distress and noble knights (or more likely about their castles and gowns). For centuries, this magnificent fabric has been a symbol of affluence, a trademark of the rich and the […]


London Service Companies are Experiencing Increased Demand

The London based companies that have traded successfully through some difficult years are now experiencing increased demand for their services. Plumbers that can install maintain and repair central heating systems are finding their skills being requested throughout their locality. They are happy to be busy and consolidate the reputation they […]


The Highest Bail Bonds in U.S. History

When a person is arrested and charged with a crime, a judge will set a bail amount that must be paid to free the defendant from jail until his or her scheduled court date. According to John Zavala, CEO of Around the Clock Bail Bonds, “…the eighth amendment in the […]


Poor Reception Needn’t Be A Drama

Digital TV reception problems can be frustrating, especially as they often seem to happen at that crucial point in your favourite soap or drama. However, the problems themselves don't need to cause a drama and can often easily be resolved. In some cases you'll need the help of a professional TV aerial […]