Search Results for "sex tips"


Types of Perfume Smells

Traditionally, women found a perfume they loved and that was their signature scent. These days however, fragrances are commonly treated as an accessory - mixed and changed to suit our shifting moods and varied lifestyles. While it's always good to have options, the vast array of perfumes now available can […]

Elder care

Managing Arthritis Pain During Bedtime

Arthritis pain is no joke; people who suffer from arthritis experience chronic pain that bothers even when they're asleep. I Just Can't Sleep Enough Sleep deprivation is a common problem with people who suffer from arthritis. They find it tough to go to sleep, thus most of them suffer from […]


What Women Love About Men

What do women want in a man? Various studies from around the world may have some differences, but a few key characteristics are always mentioned when women describe or rate the perfect man. Below is a list of physical and personality attributes that women find most attractive. Fashion Sense In […]

Real estate

A Best Practice Guide For Student Landlords

Communication is key for student landlords. It's one of the most important factors in keeping your tenants happy and your mind at ease. Having a code of best practice in place from the start of your tenancy will help prevent disputes from arising. Making sure that all interactions with tenants […]