Search Results for "athlete"


Chronic Inflammation: What It Is and How to Deal with It

Chronic inflammation is a long-lasting inflammatory condition that persists because of aggressive stimuli. Inflammation itself is actually a positive thing, as it’s the body’s self-protection response. Its intended purpose is to ‘burn out’ the cause of the problem, like bacteria or virus. In injuries, inflammation speeds up natural tissue repair […]


Top 10 Effective Antifungal Essential Oils

Fungal infection is a lesion in the epidermis of the skin, caused by a variety of fungi. It usually develops in sweating skin areas such as interdigital folds (spaces between fingers or toes), groin, inframammary folds (the places where the breasts and the chest meet), scalp and so on. Anybody […]


Benefits of Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous ketones are ketones consumed in the form of supplements to aid the body in metabolism and in providing enough energy. In other words, the supplements are absorbed to fuel the body. Exogenous ketones are made in three different forms which are: 1. The ketone salts These are naturally derived […]


Running Precautions: Keeping Muscle Cramps at Bay

Muscle cramps are one of the commonest medical issues of athletes occurring commonly during endurance events (which are inclusive of the likes of triathlons, marathons, and other similar events) and physically-demanding sports. But what causes them? Let’s see to that first before moving on to the main topic of our […]


Top 7 Meal Replacement Shakes

Your body needs a certain amount of fiber and protein every day. The amount is standard for everyone, but there are special amounts for those who want to lose weight and bodybuilders. Sometimes it can be difficult to consume the necessary amount of fibre or protein within a day. Meal […]


What’s the Big Deal About Garcinia Cambogia

For those of you who haven’t heard about it, garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that’s ubiquitous in Asia, where it’s primarily used for cooking. Why might you have heard about it? Because this little fruit is also reported to help you lose weight. Though, it’s not the meat of […]