Search Results for "Packing light"


Guidelines on Setting Goals when Selling

A goal is “something toward which effort or movement is directed—an end or objective.” Customers’ goals always involve either achieving a positive result or avoiding a negative one. One of your primary sales responsibilities is to motivate customers to understand their goals. Making goals measurable provides customers with that motivation. Goals […]


Caring for Your Pool in Winter

The carefree days of summer have slipped away and winter is coming. Before you start addressing holiday cards and stuffing the turkey, you have one more thing on your end-of-summer to-do list. Before the colder temperatures really set in, you need to winterize your pool. If all of the debris […]


What to Consider When Converting a Van

Have you ever considered packing your life into a van and go off travelling; destination wherever? This may be easier than you think. Many people go into retirement just to have an old van lying dormant on their driveway, but why not make the most it? Don't be deceived into […]


Ways for a Business to Go Green

In the last few years, many business organizations have realized the importance of using eco-friendly means to manufacture, promote and sell their goods and products. If a business organization is eco-friendly, it is able to promote goodwill and attract a lot more potential customers. Moreover, such an organization promotes social […]