Search Results for "predict"


How LED Bulbs Can Improve Your Home Life

The energy efficiency of the LED bulb has earned it many fans and plaudits since becoming a major player in the lighting market. As of 2012, the LED held a 12% market share. Whilst it is still trailing behind its older brother, the halogen bulb, it is predicted that by […]

Mobile devices

2013: The Year of The Smartphone

Samsung and Apple stand toe to toe in a fight to dominate the mobile market. Apple revolutionized the cell phone industry when it released iPhone, a “smartphone” capable of far more than phone calls and text messages. Samsung has adopted some of Apple’s innovations and added a few of their […]


Why Social Care Is a Recession-Proof Career

When the recession hit several years ago, there was a large amount of speculation about how long it would last and the scale of its severity. Since then, economies across Europe have fallen into a state far worse than that predicted by the majority of analysts with many commentators referring […]


Invest in Gold Bullion; Rake in Riches

Future Rings Uncertainty Future is always uncertain. No matter how much you get your future prediction readings done from an astrologer, numerologist, soothsayer, and others of the similar league, you still don't how what the future holds. You could win a fortune tomorrow or you could die of a car […]

Business Leadership

How to Succeed as a Woman

The world is moving forward faster than ever before. Mind-boggling inventions and creations are unveiled on almost a daily basis. Space travel is no longer just the stuff that comic books are made of. Yet women are still earning less than men, and hitting that proverbial glass ceiling sooner. Less […]

Management Small business

Organising Your Business Finance

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. This sporting metaphor certainly rings true when thinking about your business’ finances too. Whether you work by yourself or employ a number of staff, chances are you will always have headaches about money when thinking about the future. It’s a common problem and, […]


The Problem With Prenatal Tests

With the onslaught of new prenatal tests flooding the market for new mothers, there are some new concerns being raised by both patients and doctors alike as to their effectiveness. Unlike a simple paternity test, problems have arisen with these prenatal tests due to the complex nature of the understanding […]