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nursery room

Things Every Nursery Must Have

Having a baby is a joyful experience-something that every parent looks forward to. But along with the joys come apprehensions of what is good and what is not for the baby. As a parent, you would always want the best for your baby. With so many choices around, it can […]


How To Recycle Fashion Pieces

So you’ve spent what seems to be your life savings on that pair of pants that were so hot last season, but now they’re passé. Fear not though, it takes more than just the passing of time to render any item of fashion completely obsolete. With just a bit of […]


Maintaining Beautiful Skin In The Fall

Autumn is a beautiful season of transformation marked by changing leaves and bountiful harvests. Unfortunately, skin often suffers with the changing weather, so proper protection is especially important during the fall and winter months. The skin is the body's largest organ, protecting us from harmful microbes and injury. Even subtle seasonal changes can […]


How to Care for Tadpoles

What Are Tadpoles Tadpoles are basically developing frogs during the larval stage. The first three letters in tadpole mean toad and the last 3 letters mean head. The process where tadpoles transform into frogs is known as metamorphosis. Witnessing this metamorphosis process firsthand can be one of the most amazing […]


Anticipated Car Models of 2014

While the past year has been delightfully full of sleek new models and innovative designs in the automotive world, it's never too early to look toward the future. In fact, the very nature of the automotive industry is to offer tantalizing glimpses at the newest models that leave people practically […]


Dos & Don’ts of Basic Care For a Sensitive Skin

What exactly is the dermatological definition of “sensitive skin”? In layman's terms, it is skin that gets flushed, itchy, red and inflamed easily, due to genetics, environmental factors like cold and pollution in the air and water, or due to the use of wrong products. Sensitive skin can have a […]


Special Seasonal Clothing for Kids

In comparison to an adult, the skin of a kid is very tender and sensitive. Henceforth, youngsters are more prone to weather changes and they require a little more of attention, affection and care. One of the basic skin care tips for kids includes proper clothing, or better if said, […]