Search Results for "introduce"


Software To Understand What Dolphins Are Saying

There are computers rugged enough to immerse in water for a special purpose—to bridge the gap between the sophisticated language of dolphins and that of humans. These touchscreen computers are part of a language interface between two of the most intelligent types of mammals in the world. A variety of software programs […]


Gold [Infographic]

Gold, one of mankind’s oldest adornments, has a rich history. Introduced to a young earth in a vast meteor shower some 2 billion years ago, most of the world’s gold remains buried in the planet’s core. Throughout history, humans have mined only approximately 165,000 metric tons of gold; it is […]


Creative Training For Teachers

When most people think about teachers, some of the first skills, characteristics, and qualities that come to mind are probably organization, patience, and dedication. What a lot of people don't realize, however, is that achieving success as a teacher also requires a great deal of creativity, regardless of whether you are […]


How to Get Your CV Past The Screening Stage

Writing a CV that stands out from the flood of others that will inevitably be vying for attention can be difficult. However, there are some useful tips that can catapult your CV past the screening stage. Since the screening stage involves all application materials, it is important that your CV […]