Search Results for "yoga tips"


Coping with the New Year at Work

After all the Christmas festivities are over and the New Year celebrations come to a close it's not uncommon to feel a little down and unsettled. This is due to all the stress and excitement of the holiday season alongside over indulgence of food and drink. Returning to a normal […]

fitness retreats around the world

Choosing a Fitness Retreat That Suits You

Capitalizing on the current obsession with weight control, fitness, and a desire for luxurious surroundings, fitness retreats are enticing people to travel further afar for a weekend, a week, or even a fortnight of fitness. They offer the allure of losing fat, toning muscles, and shedding stress all the while enjoying […]


The Benefits of a Harmonious Weight Loss Program

Have tried innumerable methods to lose weight, but have failed? At times maintaining a healthy weight becomes an issue for many of us. You possibly might consider that diets are of no use after one failure after another. Conventional weight loss diets might not be that beneficial — not on […]


Living with Diabetes: Planning for Success

If you have diabetes, you know that managing this disease is often a challenge. From monitoring blood sugar and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, living with diabetes isn’t always easy. That’s not to say, though, that individuals with diabetes can’t live exciting, fulfilling and healthy lives, despite their diagnoses. In fact, […]