Search Results for "utilizes"

Data security

How to Protect Yourself from Hackers?

Computers are used extensively in the business world of today. They provide efficiency and effectiveness to the business processes. Modern companies all have an IT department. There are software and hardware technicians who help to maintain the computer systems in the company. In some cases, external help is required. This […]


6 Best Kept Secrets to Acne Free Skin

You've probably read every magazine which has acne-free skin solutions, listened to all infomercials and definitely spent loads of cash just to have a beautiful skin. They've all failed and you are at crossroads! The recurrent breakouts are causing you depression and you desperately need a permanent solution. You need […]


5 Ways to Look Younger by Aging Gracefully

Getting older comes with many benefits and a few drawbacks. Now that the population is living longer, people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond are putting more emphasis on aging gracefully with an all around better quality of life. One key to aging slower is looking younger. A […]


Understanding the Welding Basics

If you are attempting to build a structure from metal, you’ll probably need to do a little welding before you’re through. Welding is a means of tightly joining two pieces of metal together without the need for adhesive or holding structures. While there are a myriad of different welding methods, […]

Google Glass

6 Sci Fi Technologies That Exist Today

Technological advancements and human imagination have always had a deep connection which has been thoroughly expressed in sci fi novels, films and other media. Several writers from the 19th century such as H.G. Wells are credited for envisioning futuristic technology such as space flight and wireless communication that inspired inventors. […]

solar energy
Green tech

Clarifying Misconceptions about Solar Energy

There is a massive campaign around the world in using renewable energy, especially solar energy. Fossil fuels are depleting and so renewable energy is the way to go. However, there are still so many people who don't buy this idea. This is mainly because of their misconception about the solar […]