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Youtube | E-traffic

A Complete Guide For YouTube Ads Campaign

Are you searching for the steps on how to run YouTube Ads to promote your stunning video content? Here is the best guide to know about the latest techniques set up and optimizing the YouTube ads campaign. Set Up YouTube Advertising: With the help of Google’s Ads interface, executing ads […]


Who is to Blame for a Tesla Autopilot Crash?

Technologies like autonomous driving and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become the next frontier in the human-persistent quest for efficiency. The semi-autonomous driving technology, however, like any new venture, has been laden with risk. Tesla, for example, has been at the front of semi-autonomous innovation, but its cars have been under […]


How To Make Quality Photos Last A Life Time?

To create quality photos, you need a combination of good photography techniques, proper equipment, and effective post-processing. Here are some steps to help you capture and produce high-quality photos. 1. Use a High-Quality Camera: Invest in a good camera that suits your needs. A DSLR or mirrorless camera with manual […]

the benefits of having telecommuting employees

The Benefits of Telecommuting Employees

The benefits of allowing employees to work from home are boundless especially as currently companies are finding it hard to retain their talent pool and this has already proven to be a great success. Telecommuting, also called telework, teleworking, working from home, mobile work, remote work and flexible workplace, is […]

Travel and living

How to Break Your Bad Speeding Habit

It’s not unusual for drivers to speed. A 2008 Purdue study found the vast majority of Americans have no concerns about ignoring the speed limit to an extent. This problem is so rampant that traffic controllers have begun to anticipate speeders. “There are some roads where the speed limit should […]


Is ‘Platooning’ the Future of Fleet Operations?

‘Platooning’ refers to the technology of linking two or more semi-autonomous trucks. This allows the vehicles to travel together in close proximity and high speed, with minimal risk. In addition to road safety, there are several other benefits of platooning such as increased vehicle efficiency and lower co2 emissions, due […]


How Varicose Veins Laser Surgery Works

Varicose veins laser surgery is a popular treatment option because of its minimal invasiveness and high success rate. As a treatment option, it is a far-cry from previous methods known as ‘stripping’ whereby the problem blood vessels would be physically removed via highly invasive surgery. Modern treatments like EVLA (Endovenous […]