Search Results for "drive safely"


3 Tips on Improving Boat Safety

One of the most pleasurable ways to spend your free time is on your boat. For many boat owners, there is nothing that can compare to the experience of being in the open water, breathing fresh air, and being away from the busyness of life on land. Whether it is […]

Other stories

Five Essential Tips for DJ Beginners

DJing has evolved exponentially since its twenty first-century origins. Whilst the norm in the early days would be to select popular records and play them from beginning to end with no technical expertise needed, nowadays there are a plethora of different mediums, techniques and formats for anyone looking to become […]


The Sharing Economy Explained

These days, it’s fairly common for the sharing economy to be mentioned in the news. It’s often talked about as something that can change the way we live and work. But what exactly is the sharing economy? Because no single definition exists, any discussion about it usually leads to a […]


Spark vs. Kafka

We are gradually adjusting to the new digital world where many manual tasks have been automated using sophisticated devices. Companies today have become more data-dependent to make efficient business decisions and offer better customer experience through their products and services. A massive amount of data is generated every day which […]

Travel and living

3 Things To Consider When Relocating To A City

Each year, more than 40 million people across the United States move to new cities. That’s roughly 14 percent of the population involved in city moving! If you’re in the middle of relocation, you might find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. After all, misery likes company. Why do we call moving “misery”? Because […]