Search Results for "Common examples"


Is “Call of Duty” Warzone Being Ruined?

2020 would have been a very difficult year to get through without video games. While many of us have spent our quarantine or lockdown time completing video games that had sat unfinished on our consoles for months or even years, multiplayer video games have provided even more fun and distraction. […]


A Closer Look at Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition technology is a divisive topic. On the one hand, the facial recognition market is booming, projected to be worth $10.9 billion by 2025. Simultaneously, the technology faces mounting opposition, potentially limiting its growth. Cutting-edge technology always contends with some amount of controversy when it’s trending, but the conflict usually fizzles […]

Travel and living

Flea Markets in Dallas: An Overview

Flea market tourism is on the rise and mostly attracts people during the weekends. Most of the goods sold are antique and are from various eras hence attract people with interest in history. Activities that go on in most of the markets are treasure hunting, leisure activities, selling of a […]


The difference between automation and AI

Companies are striving to adopt technology that either makes things easier, faster, and more cost-effective or gives them more insights than existing employees combined. Although these rely on very different technologies and serve different purposes, a common misunderstanding occurs between automation and artificial intelligence. What is Automation? We have become […]


How do Role Models Impact Young Minds?

Adolescents who identify their role models in their lives have higher self-esteem than those who don’t. models help young minds know how to live with integrity, determination, and hope. Positive models can have a great impact on a child’s positive development. Young children may imitate the desirable traits found in […]


Know about Green Furniture

Certified sustainable wood Whisper “furniture” and open your imagination with vivid images of retro and modern furniture in various materials. Wood, fabric, steel, glass, and processed material such as methacrylate, high-density fiber, the most common wood, is accepted worldwide for its natural charms. There are options to satisfy fantasy and […]