Search Results for "Body detox"


Choosing the Best Executive Rehab for Opiate Pain Pill Addiction

Executives face a host of unique issues that make choosing an executive detox center a challenge. From managing pressing business needs to maintaining a professional corporate appearance and dealing with family life, traditional rehab programs may not be adequate. Fortunately, addiction experts such as those at the Waismann Method center have designed […]


Best Ways to Reduce Appetite

There is a lot of information online on how to reduce your appetite, however several pieces of advice aren't useful. That's why we have only selected what actually works. Some advice sounds weird or funny. – watching of disgusting images in order to lose your appetite (the advice that may […]


Ways to Stop and Reverse a Receding Hairline

Receding hairline is a great matter of concern to numerous people. It is the most common cause of embarrassment for many men and women. Like most other hair related problems, it is somehow dependent on inherited genes. In men, it is seen as an early sign of patterned baldness that […]

fitness retreats around the world

Choosing a Fitness Retreat That Suits You

Capitalizing on the current obsession with weight control, fitness, and a desire for luxurious surroundings, fitness retreats are enticing people to travel further afar for a weekend, a week, or even a fortnight of fitness. They offer the allure of losing fat, toning muscles, and shedding stress all the while enjoying […]


Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

1. Detoxify using Alkaline Water A Water Ionizer converts tap water to strong alkaline water which is up to 6 times more hydrating than regular water. Alkaline water has smaller water clusters with only 5-6 molecules versus regular tap water which has about 10-13 molecules. This makes the water "wetter" […]


The Health Benefits Of Water Ionizers

Water ionizers are small electronic appliances that attach to the faucets in your home and change the pH level of your water. Water ionizers can also filter your water and add minerals. Ionized water can be either alkaline, with a pH level greater than 7, or acidic, with a pH […]