A glass of juice can turn out to be a nutritionally replenishing drink that you can sit down and have at any time of the day. In your busy work schedule, making your own juice at home is a difficult task. In such circumstances, you would want to hit the store and buy yourself a glass of juice. It is convenient but there comes along with it, the risk of not finding the promised ‘hundred percent real fruit juice'. Instead, you can avail the bonus point of added preservatives, added flavors and carbohydrates, which again, as we all know, adds to your health hazard.
What if your iPhone could help you out in making your own nutritional drink?
Thanks to iTunes that now you can easily get your juice made at home, using juice recipe apps. They are smart, easy and socially friendly.
Juice Recipe apps can assist you in making juices and smoothies for almost any occasion. You can find out what items you need on your shopping list, like and share it and even post your own personalized recipe. Here are some top three juice recipe apps, which you can download in your iPhone and get daily assistance for a healthy drinking habit.
#1. Jamba Juice Secret Menu-For All Healthy And Fun Juices
The Jamba Juice app is a fun app for those who are looking for not just energy or weight loss juices, but also for fun drink ideas. This app provides you with 29 juice recipes that you can click through and learn. The best part of this app lies in its name- Jamba Juice Secret Menu. You can read up the recipes available for each item on the menu and make your own Jamba Juice at home. The design is kept simple and colorful for easy navigation. You can look into each name to find out the recipe and click on the simple ‘back' button to return to the menu list. What is amazing about this app is that, apart from just healthy drinks, it provides you assistance for any event, even if you are looking up for assistance for your kid's birthday party. The recipes available are simple and fun to make.
#2. Juicing Recipes-For A Healthy Start Recipe
This app provides you with a list to all healthy juice recipes, be it using fruits or vegetables. You can select a juice and look into the step-by-step details to follow and learn. Also, the app features a to-do-list for all your shopping requirements that you need to note, before heading to the store in an organized manner. There is a search bar included in the app, where you can type down to search for any particular kind of juice name that you have heard of from your friend. The app looks neat from user-friendly point of view and has some amazing photo shoots for every recipe that you click on. You can share a recipe you like through Twitter or by mail and search for other apps and information related to juicing, with this iPhone app.
#3. Juicify Free: For Low Carb Juice And Smoothie Recipes
If you are trying to maintain a well built body and want to look for an app that can provide you with juice recipes containing low carbs but great taste, then you can get the Juicify Free app. With this app, you can search for more than twenty health drink recipes containing added vitamins and minerals. Get easy directions and an additional information on the nutritional benefits for each drink. You can also type down a recipe name or that of a particular fruit/vegetable and see what recipes are available to you. Save and share with your friends through SMS, mail, Twitter and Facebook.
Now that you know what these three apps can do, its time for you to download them and start making your juice. Be it an energy juice or a detox juice or maybe a simply a juice that tastes great, these top three names are just what you need to keep in mind when it comes to making juice.