Search Results for "projected"


Why Should You NOT Ignore Your Hearing Loss?

One in six people in Australia suffers from a hearing loss. According to Australian Access Economics consultancy, this number is projected to increase to one in four by 2050. This means approximately 8 million Australians with hearing the loss in 2050. Sounds serious, right? Your decision to do something about […]

Business planning

Cost Management and The Supply Chain

The current global economy is characterized by the doctrine of survival of the fittest and marked by the changing face of the business environment. Currently, each company strives to remain relevant amidst such a competitive environment. One of the assured ways for this to be achieved is for quality products […]

Small business

Finding the Funds for Marketing

So, you have started a business and are on a tight budget. Most startups are. The thing is, if you want to grow your business, you will have to find money in the budget for marketing. Before you implement or execute that next great marketing campaign, you will need a […]


The Latest Trends in Technology

The recent years have seen major improvements in technology, making it very difficult to catch up with the trends. Ground-breaking technologies and new items are introduced to the market almost every day. To stay ahead of the curve, technology giants have to remain in constant struggle and set the market […]