Search Results for "essential immune"


How To Know Which CBD Oil Strength is Good for You

Cannabidiol oil has been established to be a popular natural remedy for a number of ailments both simple ailments and complex ailments. The hemp oil is known to serve as a cure for chronic aches, inflammation, epilepsy, and anxiety. The cannabis oil also contains anti-cancer properties, boosts the healthy heart […]


Can Stem Cell Therapy Repair Damaged Knees?

Lately in the United States, stem cell therapy is being praised as a wonder cure for everything from spinal repair to wrinkles. But only a few of these applications come with scientific backing. However, there has been some really promising studies done on stem cell therapy for knees. People develop […]


5 Practical Reasons Why You May Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

You’ll need to get your wisdom tooth extracted! About 85% of adults hear their dentist recommend this treatment option. However, in recent times, most oral surgeons will assess your dental condition carefully before suggesting that you absolutely need wisdom teeth removal. Understanding Wisdom Teeth Wisdom teeth are the third set […]


Are Your Gut Bacteria Out of Balance?

Most of us don’t think about our gut until it starts misbehaving. Spending an unpleasant night running to and from the bathroom is guaranteed to draw attention to this part of the body. The problem is that gut health is linked to many other aspects of our health and gut […]


Chronic Inflammation: What It Is and How to Deal with It

Chronic inflammation is a long-lasting inflammatory condition that persists because of aggressive stimuli. Inflammation itself is actually a positive thing, as it’s the body’s self-protection response. Its intended purpose is to ‘burn out’ the cause of the problem, like bacteria or virus. In injuries, inflammation speeds up natural tissue repair […]