Search Results for "burning fat"


Preventive Measures to Diabetes

The prevention measures against diabetes are more of health eating. However, when it comes to diabetes type 2 it is quite challenging. Preventing yourself against diabetes is a gradual process that requires time, patience and dedication. It entails a change in your lifestyle to reduce the probability of diabetes and […]

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Safety of Inositol Hexanicotinate

Inositol hexanicotinate is considered as safe to be consumed by most people. It is also known as IP6 (also called phytic acid). But certain side effects are observed such as stomach upset, headache, nausea, burping and liver damage in very few cases. Inositol is considered as no flush niacin meaning […]

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Dangerous Side Effects of Forskolin

Forskolin offers various health benefits. It promotes weight loss and appetite will be suppressed in a very efficient way. There will be improvement in concentration levels as well. The muscle protein synthesis will be promoted. It will increase cAMP levels in the brain without any issues. even though it has […]


5 Amazing Benefits of Green Tea.

Gone are the days when people used to consume beverages for their taste and ability to quench their thirst. In the recent past there has been introduction of healthier way of quenching your thirst. Green tea has been introduced containing additives that have been over the years been used to improve the […]


How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Here's the three-part skinny on why protein is so important: Protein is the building block of lean muscle mass Muscle mass is the body's main calorie-burning tissue A reduction in muscle mass slows your metabolism, causes weight gain, and increases your risk for diabetes Did you know […]


Advantages of Calisthenics Training

The trend of working out at home is gaining pace in recent times as people find it comfortable and convenient to do exercises at home. The highly stressful and busy schedule makes it tough for people to take out time to visit a gym every day. There are different types […]