
Is a High Protein Diet the Key to a Slim Body?

According to recent research, a high protein diet is the key to weight loss. Reading this, all those figure-conscious and health conscious guys and girls will jump into consuming proteins but the question is how much exactly do you need in order to suffice the needs of your body? Well, most of us have certainly heard about someone who has dropped his/her weight after having a diet that is rich in proteins. The diets like Atkins and Dukan diet are low in carbohydrates and this makes their body produce reduced level of insulin. When the insulin levels are low enough, the body is able to burn more fat. Hence, although these might allow you to drop your kilos sooner, such diets are not much recommended for healthy weight management. If you're someone who wants to make protein a part of your good diet for the long term, here are some advices to take into account.


What is the exact amount of protein that we need?

Well, this answer entirely depends on your age, weight, gender and present health conditions. If you're an adult, you will need up to three servings of protein on a single day and this is equal to 65 grams of cooked meat, 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk and half a cup of nuts or some other seeds. Adequate intake of protein is needed for the functioning, structure and regulation of the cells of your body, including skin, muscles, hair, nails, enzymes, hormones and other antibodies.

While there are multiple benefits of maintaining a diet that is protein-rich for losing weight, too much of it can also have a negative impact on your body. It has been studied that most people consume more proteins than what they actually need and this is why it gets stored as body fat and not as protein. Some of the pitfalls of consuming a low-carb and high protein diet are:

  • Boosts you to eat those foods that are high in saturated fat and this leads to heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.
  • Puts irrelevant pressure on your kidneys and liver and also induces loss of calcium, which might lead to osteoporosis.
  • Lack of necessary fibre can lead to bowel disorders, constipation and other types of cancer.


Selecting you proteins wisely

Proteins usually come from 2 primary sources, animals and plants. The animal-based proteins are meat, eggs, dairy and other products and the plant-based ones are nuts, soy, grains and legumes. When selecting such protein-rich foods, you should pay attention to what you're getting along with the protein. There are vegetable sources of protein which offer healthy fibre, minerals and vitamins. The best forms of animal protein are skinless chicken, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy.

Therefore, although high-protein diets can help you with fast weight loss, yet all those that are low-carb ones aren't recommended for the long term. In order to maintain your weight, it's vital to combine the sensible forms of protein with the right forms of burning energy.

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