Search Results for "behaviors"


Are Mall Security Guards Necessary?

Shopping centers and malls often seem like relatively safe places to be. Thus, when you hear about mall security, you may be left wondering is it even necessary? Worse yet, you might think of mall security guards as being secondhand cops or overweight and ineffective at their jobs. Maybe you […]


New Trends in Digital Marketing Post COVID-19

Nobody was aware of how severe the impacts of COVID-19 would be on our daily lives. It restricted people from going outside, making them buy things online from only specific shops and retailers. This badly impacted business and halted market growth and affected several other industries such as travel, entertainment, […]


How do Role Models Impact Young Minds?

Adolescents who identify their role models in their lives have higher self-esteem than those who don’t. models help young minds know how to live with integrity, determination, and hope. Positive models can have a great impact on a child’s positive development. Young children may imitate the desirable traits found in […]


Why Teenagers Take Drugs and Its Effect?

Adolescence is one of the most important stages in a person’s life. It is the moment where childhood is left behind to start the path to adult life. It is also a vital moment in the formation of the individual. In addition, it is also the stage where drugs usually make […]


Pharmacological Treatment of Alcohol Dependence

Advances in the neurobiology of alcohol dependence have enabled the introduction of new drugs in the treatment of alcoholism. The pharmacological treatment of alcoholism is reviewed. Drugs that decrease the desire to drink have become a first-line alternative. The review of the studies carried out with acamprosate or with naltrexone […]


Caring for a Child With Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by the narrowing of the airways in the lungs. Chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, and episodes of wheezing are frequent occurrences for people with this respiratory disorder. Asthma symptoms can be reversible with or without prescribed treatment. This disorder differs in each person, […]