Search Results for "Executive Office"


Freight Rail Success Linked to Intermodal Services

For years, the freight rail industry had been stagnating, with transport of goods by way of air and roadway travel leaving rail intermodal shipping across the continent, on aging rails and outdated technology, virtually standing still. But due to a renewed focus on revitalizing this critical industry, the freight rail […]


Sony Leaks Reveal Israel’s Relationship with American Media

[youtube] Wikileaks have published a cache of Sony's internal emails which demonstrate the close relationship between Hollywood executives and the Israeli government and pro-Israeli lobbying groups in the USA. The emails reveal how Sony bosses had dinner with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and how other entertainment execs met […]


On-Premise vs. True Cloud Accounting Software

As more and more organizations look to "the cloud" for increased accessibility to their data and as an alternative to the capital expense of software and servers, many are considering migrating from their current accounting software. Below are three on-premise accounting software costs that you need to be aware of […]

Communication IT

Where Is Video Conferencing Being Used?

What is Videoconferencing? "Videoconferencing is the conduct of a video-conference by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. It has also been called ‘visual collaboration’ and is a type of groupware" this is what Wikipedia says. So we […]