Search Results for "unique type"


Why Learn Hadoop for a Career

Apache Hadoop is a reliable open source software project that aids in the distributed processing of huge data sets across clusters of computers making use of simple programming models. It is a scalable and distributed computing system that upgrades from one server to thousands of machines, each of them rendering […]

Other stories

6 Essential Tips to Photograph Waves

Beautiful waves crashing on the shore isn’t an uncommon sight at the beach. Large waves breaking on the shore is quite wonderful to watch. Photographing them is even more rewarding. Photographing waves isn’t as simple as the other photography techniques. It requires a lot of patience, the right equipment and […]


Who Needs Computer Training?

Not only can computer training be used to boost a company’s economic growth, but it can also be used to enhance the resume and job skills of prospective and future employees all around the world. Whether you’re a student who knows a lot about computers and technology or someone who has […]


Importance of Brain Enhancing Supplements

Brain enhancing drugs are usually used to increase the energy, boost the memory power of the person and make the cognitive functions get improved. Brain enhancement can be possible by the usage of the drugs which come under the category of nootropics. Brain drug or the supplements are something which […]

Data security

Data Protection for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Last month,I wrote an article about different steps that people should take in safeguarding their personal information online. With a spate of recent data breaches at large companies, it’s no surprise that data security is on the top of everyone’s mind. But protecting one’s real-life safety when engaging on digital […]


Benefits of Cross-platform Mobile Application

Cross platform app development is the process of developing a mobile app that can be accessed on multiple OS enabled mobile devices. The cross platform helps in maintaining one code base with multiple platforms and a code base can be easily run on different platforms, there is no need to […]