Search Results for "common required"

Society & Culture

Things to Learn from Roger Deakins

Some of the best movies like shawshank redemption, Fargo, Beautiful mind, Skyfall have one thing in common apart from being great movies-Roger Deakins. This great cinematographer can bring reality to screen with his camera and sure has so much wisdom to offer young film makers. If you are trying to […]


Habits that Damage Your Facial Beauty

For most people first impression counts a lot and to be honest the first thing people notice when they interact with you is your face. And your face can only look good if the skin is in perfect condition. Therefore, it is very important to have a younger looking fresh […]

Society & Culture

An Actor’s Guide to DIY Showreels

If you’re an actor, you probably know that more and more producers of everything from feature films to reality shows are relying on technology to weed through the masses of faces they see at auditions. A showreel can have immense value to an actor trying to get professional jobs, whether […]


Benefits of Custom Lanyards as Marketing Tools

The functionality of lanyards does not lie in keeping and holding security passes and identification badges only. Lanyards can be customized attractively to complement the branding of your business or any event you wish to organize. This accessory can be used effectively in various occasions and with custom printing services […]

Business Management

Managing Big Data with Advanced Analytics

Companies today have to contend with large volumes of data increasing in giant leaps. Managing data becomes critical to the business, from storage to processing and deriving relevant information for decision-making, giving birth to the term Big Data. What is Big Data? Big Data pertains to the large volumes of […]


World’s Longest Weddings

Wedding traditions around the world vary greatly - from short, functional registrations to lavish extended affairs. If you're invited to one of the following wedding ceremonies, sleep well the night before - or else you might find yourself nodding off during the ceremony as the hours go by on the […]

Guys Guide to Machining Tools

Types of Machining Tools

Machining tools are used to cut, grind, bore, or shear various types of raw materials, such as metals. The goal may be to reveal a new shape or to refine the material's existing shape. All machining tools are equipped with a gripping device for holding the material in place while […]


An Overview on Domestic Violence

The law in California considers domestic violence as a crime. According to the criminal code section 273.5, accused are required to criminal penalties which include imprisonment and a participation in a 52 week batterer's treatment program. In order to meet the criteria, injuries has to be visible, couple must be […]