Search Results for "health danger"

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Dangerous Side Effects of Forskolin

Forskolin offers various health benefits. It promotes weight loss and appetite will be suppressed in a very efficient way. There will be improvement in concentration levels as well. The muscle protein synthesis will be promoted. It will increase cAMP levels in the brain without any issues. even though it has […]


Top 12 Health Benefits of Corn

Corn is one of the healthiest foods in the world and it comes from Central Americas. Corn with the height of 7-10 feet can grow quickly under well-drained soil with a lot of sunlight and enough fertile. This food also has a lot of colors and kinds or corn such […]


Why is COPD So Dangerous?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth biggest killer in the United States. 12 million people in the U.S. alone have been diagnosed with COPD and one person with COPD dies every four minutes. Worse still, millions of people have COPD and are unaware of how much danger they […]


The Danger of Hepatitis and How It can be Caused

Many of us are victims of inflammation, which affects different areas in our bodies. Inflammation in the joints trouble us and sometimes disrupt our normal lives. Even though it's difficult to put up with pain and numbness, we somehow manage. Inflammation could be life-threatening if it affects certain parts of […]


The Dangers of Calcium Deficiency

When we think about disease or illness, it's often things like cancers and other large-scale diseases that hog the limelight. The fact remains that there are less publicised but still important diseases like calcium related diseases, which can greatly reduce one's overall quality of life. Calcium is an essential component […]


Most Important Mental Health Risks Following an Accident

The victims of several types of accidents often have to live with many dangerous long-term medical issues. These people may experience constant health complicated conditions or long term disabilities. Many accident victims face different problems doing daily rooting works. In an unfortunate way, a few victims also have psychological illness […]