Search Results for "hair shampoo"


How to Cope Up with Chemotherapy Side Effects?

Chemotherapy can help fight cancer, prolong a person’s life, and potentially cure cancer as well. But chemotherapy comes with side effects too. Chemotherapy side effects are quite unpredictable and it largely depends on the type of chemo drug the patient is consuming. Chemotherapy, at times, cannot differentiate between normal and […]


How to Tell Lice

Most adults would not be willing to share that they have lice because it would come out as if they are not clean people or they come from dirty neighborhoods. Parents also, would not be willing to share that their children have lice because they think that their parenting would […]


7 Things You Should Know Before Going Blonde

Hair coloring has been a medium for expressing ourselves, similar to getting tattoos and piercings. Among the three, it may be the least painful, but it may also require more work. There is an expression saying “blondes have more fun” which may mean a couple of things. One of these […]


Designing a Bathroom for Him and Her

More homeowners are wanting to increase the size of their bathroom when sharing the space with their significant other. His and her bathrooms are an ideal option for those who want more elbow room when it comes to bathing or getting ready in the morning. To design a space that […]


Water-Our most Valuable and Fragile Resource

Water is the driver of nature. Leonardo da Vinci Water. Without it, life on Earth would not exist. Our bodies are seventy percent made of it, and our planet is eighty percent covered with it. Yet, ninety-seven percent of the Earth’s water supply is salty, and only 0.3 percent of […]

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Is Dog Grooming Possible At Home?

When it comes to dog grooming, pet owners come up with different opinions. Some say that the concept of grooming your dog is pretty new. In earlier days, no dog owner had even heard of grooming their pet, leave aside the thought of taking them down to a professional groomer. […]


Top 12 Health Benefits of Corn

Corn is one of the healthiest foods in the world and it comes from Central Americas. Corn with the height of 7-10 feet can grow quickly under well-drained soil with a lot of sunlight and enough fertile. This food also has a lot of colors and kinds or corn such […]