Search Results for "aren't aware"


7 Must-Have Productivity Tools for SMBs in 2017

Productive people register outputs for the time they spend working. This is the key difference between getting work done and simply doing work. However, productivity in the workplace can be greatly reduced if employees spend hours on logistical and repetitive tasks like locating equipment they need to get their work […]

Elder care

Helping Your Parents As They Age

As we grow up, we count on our parents to take care of us and to provide for our safety. Once we reach adulthood, we often have just a few years before the shoe is on the other foot and it’s time to take care of our parents. Traditionally, families […]


7 Reasons You Should Own a Dashcam

How Does a Dashcam Work? A dashcam—which is more formally called a dashboard camera—is a simple device with only three components: a video camera, power inputs that are hard-wired to the ignition of a car, and a removable solid state memory card to store the footage. They are designed to power on automatically when the car […]

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The Financial Benefits of Quitting Smoking Now

You’re probably already aware of how bad smoking is for your health. If that hasn’t convinced you to quit already (it should have) maybe some financial considerations might help. The reality is, smoking regularly makes a huge dent in your budget-it could actually be crippling you financially. Most people should […]