Search Results for "Simply Click For Source"


Disaster Strikes! Now What?

Staffers work hard at helping people find the job of their dreams. So, what happens when a major setback happens and you suddenly stunted from preforming at work? You put your hiring skills to work and get the right people to solve your problems! Here are some things to consider […]


Four ways to achieve a customer-centric marketing

Customer-centricity has become a topic of much debate in marketing in recent months, as brands continually strive to demonstrate that they’re putting the customer first. With the GDPR now looming on the horizon, ensuring the data that organisations use to target their consumers is legitimate and that their communications are […]

Data security

Ageing Androids and the risk to SMBs

Last month the world held its breath when it was revealed that President Donald Trump was using an out-of-date Android phone that could easily be hacked. Now it has been reported that Trump has finally handed in his five-year-old Android-powered Samsung Galaxy to the secret service and instead is using […]

Data security

3 Must-Have Security Tools for Safe Browsing

Keeping your important information safe online and avoiding malicious software doesn’t have to be the major headache that it’s often made out to be. You can feasibly minimize your exposure to harmful websites with just a few tools, instead of using a suite of unnecessary extensions and software that just […]


20 Top Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Websites

The eCommerce marketing is as important as the website development. Both will require perfection to get nicely executed and to achieve targeted sales. Marketing the products on your eCommerce store is somewhat tricky. Use of the right platforms, technologies and techniques will surely help one succeed in branding. Let’s consider […]


Liquivid Software Review

If you are a video or photography enthusiast, Liquivid is software that can completely change your work life. It offers a seamless way to edit your photos or videos so that you get more time to do what you love being with your camera. This software ensures you spend more […]