Search Results for "networking"


What to Look For in a Customs Broker

With expanding markets and a growing demand for cross-country trade, the global economy has become a single giant commercial hub to capture everyone's demand. Due to this increasing trend, there has also been an increase in the number of complicated rules and regulations concerning the clearance of these trade-able items […]

Business Sales

How to Retrieve Your Lost Sales?

Regardless of your business being small or big, established or a start up venture, the most frequent question that entrepreneurs ask themselves is "What made me loose the deal?" Everyone wants to sell more, earn extra revenues and profits. Therefore, an unexpected or a series of loss does become a […]

Mobile devices Software

Best and Must-Have Smartphone Apps for 2013

Smartphones saw a slew of upgrades and changes throughout 2012. From additional features to increased processing power, these mobile devices have truly become a shaping force in technology. With these newfound capabilities, apps are becoming more powerful as well. These eight apps feature some of the best features, improvements and […]


Alternatives To Paper Resumes

You could say a paper resume is an analog tool in a digital world. Even people who still use traditional resumes most likely email the files to recruiters. Many popular devices and websites have almost made it unnecessary to print out your resume. Pinterest, videos, personal websites and LinkedIn are […]


Free Party IPhone Apps

How crazy is it that we can do so many things with our iPhones, but not even scratch the surface of the app store? There are almost 800 Thousand apps on the app store right now! Wanna know how many apps were on the app store in 2008? 800! So […]