Search Results for "workplace"


Steps to Take to Prepare Your Employees for Fire Safety

While business strategies and operations hold major importance, ensuring safety of the employees is equally crucial. Every workplace comprises major fire hazards. This is especially true for industrial worksites that deal in combustible materials like oil, gas etc. All employers should implement the necessary steps to ensure that their staff […]


Why Everyone Needs a Metal Tool Box

For anyone who owns his own set of hand tools, a tool chest or tool box may be useful. It is a container that can help organize all your tools. While this seems like a simple product, it is very useful. Even though many of these storage devices are stocked […]


Three Ways to Measure Employee Satisfaction

Making sure that your workforce is engaged is crucial to the success of a business. With a huge number of studies showing that there is no doubt that employees who are engaged, satisfied and motivated at work will produce much better results than those who feel the opposite way, ensuring […]

Business planning

How to Oversee a Productive Office Refit

While change can be a frightening prospect, it must be embraced in situations where it is necessary. This is a lesson that all businesses (and particularly SMEs) must heed at present, as a volatile and constantly changing Geo-political climate continues to change its toll. This, along with long-term concerns such […]


The Impact of Shift Work on Health

This summer, Singapore Ministry of Manpower updated the Employment Act, which regulates everything related to the working hours in this country. Apart from the rules about the hours of work, the act also covers the rest days, as well as the overtime work. When it comes to the shift work, […]

Other stories

The Science of Construction

When people think of science, they often envision a white-coated engineer, sequestered in a lab somewhere with bubbling beakers of brightly-colored solutions. Nearby, an assistant scribbles down pages and pages of data–all of it meaningless to the average person. But science is a far more hands-on field than that. The […]