Search Results for "motor tak"


How to Write a Great Copy for Your Brand

Your branding is the most powerful weapon you have for creating a strong, exciting future for your business. Without clear, desirable branding, you’ve got nothing to separate you from competitors trying to mimic what you do (and they will!) Copywriting is the way you express your brand’s value in words-and […]


Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

While dramatic scenes of people being cut out of cars and rushed to hospital are popular with the media (and do occasionally happen in real life), the reality is that the majority of car accidents are far more mundane. Driver A bumps in to driver B and there is little to […]


Insurance Policies Small Business Owners Must Consider

1.Property Insurance: Business owners who own a business property or own equipment used therein must opt for property insurance. Through such a policy a property owner can easily protect his assets against fire, theft, wreckage, smoke damage etc. Business owners can also choose riders which protect them against business interruptions […]

Mobile devices

Technology Used With Sony Xperia Z

There are hundreds of new phones that are released on the market every day. One of the outstanding ones is the Xperia Z from Sony. The phone provides amazing features, the main one being its ability to be hardy. One gadget that has received wide appeal and become part of […]

Mobile devices

2013: The Year of The Smartphone

Samsung and Apple stand toe to toe in a fight to dominate the mobile market. Apple revolutionized the cell phone industry when it released iPhone, a “smartphone” capable of far more than phone calls and text messages. Samsung has adopted some of Apple’s innovations and added a few of their […]


Why Social Care Is a Recession-Proof Career

When the recession hit several years ago, there was a large amount of speculation about how long it would last and the scale of its severity. Since then, economies across Europe have fallen into a state far worse than that predicted by the majority of analysts with many commentators referring […]