Search Results for "wheelchair"


Advantages of an Ambulance Stretcher

When a person becomes ill or is injured in some accident, there is an urgent need to help him get the necessary medication. For this, it might be required to take the patient to some other location. So, it is not going to be an easy task to move the […]


How to Choose the Right Wedding Venue

Choosing the right venue for your wedding day is one of the most important decisions you can make when planning your big day but it is the kind of choice which can easily overwhelm even the most organised of brides to be. It's also the one question which most couples will […]


3D Printing Makes Life Changing Surgeries Possible

Though 3D printed items like pizza and chocolate is satisfying for most, it still holds a lot of unfulfilled potential. No doubt we are enthusiastic about these advancements, but we are chiefly excited about the advancements made in medicine. This is the domain where 3D printing casts significant impact. The […]

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Giants of Pro Wrestling

Professional wrestling has always welcomed gigantic performers into its ring. The audience also loves gigantic performers because large men portray an air of intimidation that smaller men do not. In fact, the wrestling world is so obsessed with size that it often over-bills wrestlers’ height and weight statistics to make […]


How Do Junior Tennis Tournaments Work?

If you are a parent whose child is skilled in tennis and who wants to build on the skills he acquired, you can enter him in the United States Tennis Association’s Junior Tournaments. The Junior Tournaments are offered in these categories; individual, team, elimination and non-elimination. There are also wheelchair […]

Elder care

Dealing with Mobility Loss in Retirement

Immobility, or a loss of mobility, is a frightening experience, but much more of a big deal is made about it that really should be. As a nation, we tend to think that immobility is a problem that cannot be solved. It’s seen as something inevitable. However, while mobility problems […]