Search Results for "trí nên"


4 Key Components of a Successful Healthcare Marketing Strategy

Despite the controversy surrounding for-profit healthcare, the hospitals that claim for-profit status tend to fare better and benefit a broader demographic of patients than their non-profit counterparts. How so? For one, for-profit hospitals can funnel their additional funding into state-of-the-art technology and adequately staff their facilities, trimming down patient wait […]


What to Ensure When Selecting an Industrial Lubricant?

Selecting an industrial lubricant to suit your machinery and deliver the best results requires some considerations. Before buying the lubricant for your machinery, you need to know and realize that different types of machinery require specific lubricants. It ensures machinery’s efficiency and effectiveness and enhances the performance of the lubricant […]


Cars vs SUVs: Are Pedestrians Safe?

SUVs and trucks are popular vehicles used by drivers around the country. They have been adapted for everyday use with new styles and shapes, allowing a variety of people to enjoy them. SUVs make up 60% of the vehicles Americans choose to drive. Unfortunately, their prominence on the road is […]


Preventing Plagiarism in Schools: Tips and Tricks

The Act of Plagiarism Breaches Academic Integrity Before going right into the topic of plagiarism, one should talk about academic integrity. Academic integrity consists of five core values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. In other words, it means being truthful in one’s work. On the contrary, plagiarism breaches all […]


5 Common Types of Industrial Control Valves

Industrial control valves are standard when it comes to the regulation of oil or gas flow in professional environments. These devices are used to control several factors including temperature, pressure, flow, and levels of liquid. Valves work as stops within pipes or passageways, regulating flow by opening partially or entirely […]


An Evolution of Industrial Fasteners

The exponential growth of production and manufacturing in the industrial age often focuses on flashy innovation like the assembly line or more recently 3D printing technologies. In this rapid era of growth, it can be easy to overlook the simple designs that led to the jumps, however. Much like the […]

Industrial Cybersecurity tips

10 Tips for Managing Industrial Cybersecurity

The definition of Industry 4.0 is based on a series of differentiating features aimed at integration with other intelligent infrastructures such as mobile/logistic infrastructures and intelligent buildings and at accelerating technological change. Under these premises, representative characteristics of industry 4.0 are defined: Vertical networks allow a quick response to dynamic […]