
Foods to Treat Gastritis. The Menu that Heals Stomach Pains

Gastritis, an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, is one of the most common conditions caused by stress, sleep disorders, mental tension, but also by prolonged use of anti-inflammatories.

Abdominal pain, nausea, bloating and burning in the stomach can be forgotten if we know what and how much to eat. Experts say that at the root of gastritis are many factors, but the most common are: excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, infections with bacteria (Helicobacter Pylori or candida), stress and psychic tension, sleep disorders, but also the overconsumption of spicy foods and some unhealthy foods.

Eating habits between meals, the so-called “snacks”, eaten on the run, but also the products containing caffeine stimulate the increase of acid secretion in the stomach, irritate the inflamed areas and increase the level of stress hormones.

The most common symptom of gastritis is abdominal pain. Other signs are indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting or a burning sensation in the stomach. Blood in the vomit or black stools may be signs of bleeding in the stomach, which indicates that gastritis may have worsened and may be related to an ulcer.

Regardless of the symptoms, it is very important to go to a specialist to determine whether it is gastritis or ulcer. In order to avoid the inconvenience, we have to be very careful about what we eat, the diet being essential in the treatment of gastritis.

Therefore, there are some foods that we must use with caution, foods that we must completely avoid and foods that help us to improve the symptoms and cure gastritis.

What we need to use with caution?

In general, in the case of gastritis, it is advisable to avoid or cautiously consume all foods that have a strong taste, be it sweet, spicy or bitter. It is best to consume foods with a gentle, balanced taste:

– Raw foods (salads, radishes, raw vegetables) will be consumed according to tolerance; if we notice that a certain vegetable or fruit creates acidity, we will try to avoid it.

– Legumes – beans, nuts, lentils – should be avoided as far as possible.

– Cold drinks, ice or too hot.

What we need to eliminate from the diet?

– Alcohol;

– Sugar and sweets (ice cream, chocolate, sweets, candies, etc.)

– Tobacco;

– Foods containing synthetic food additives (E’s);

– Spicy spices that irritate the lining of the stomach: pepper, ginger, chilli, cury;

– Carbonated drinks, especially coca-cola which has a very acidic ph and a very harmful effect on the stomach;

– Vinegar, meat soups or soups, roasts, fats, toast, bread or hot dough (just removed from the oven).

Foods that help treat gastritis

If you want to know how to cure gastritis permanently, you must remember that alkalinity plays a crucial role in healing it. Alkaline juices reduce acidity and are a true gastric dressing: cabbage, potato, carrot, red beet, cucumber, nettle reduce acidity in the body, alkalizing it.

The juices from green leaves help to regenerate the gastric mucosa: juice from green barley stalks, from celery leaves, parsley.

Chlorophyll has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect and helps regenerate the gastric mucosa.

“Cool” foods relieve stomach pain and reduce the sensation of heat: milk, yogurt, cream.

The “cold” spices are: mint, fennel, cilantro, cumin.

Milk helps to cure gastritis. Milk – in 90% of cases it helps to cure gastritis. The consumption of 1 liter of milk per day has a beneficial effect in healing gastritis. Also, it is advisable to introduce tarragon, parsley, thyme, raw cabbage, celery, carrot, dried apricots, sprouts or sprouts, currants, chestnuts.

Those who suffer from gastritis can also consume soups, vegetable soups, baked or cooked vegetables, as much cereal, milk, yogurt, compotes.

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