Search Results for "quote prior"


Apps for Motivation

The modern world of informational frenzy and mundane day-to-day routine sometimes might make us feel drained and passionless about certain things and life in general. As a result, we face numerous repercussions including depression, total loss of interest in life and people and, the most painful thing is questioning yourself […]


How To Choose Between Cold, Warm, and Social Calling

For tasting epic success, business, especially the SMBs must develop the best communication skills to create a fruitful dialogue with their customers. Proper communication has always been the key to creating bonds and relationships that last longer. The same rule applies in the world of business where you need to […]


Six Challenges Faced By Marketers

Staying on top of a competitive marketing landscape is a challenge every business faces. A lot is vying for audience’s attention, and with this much distraction, they can only focus on one brand for a limited time. The digital space is overflowing with content, making getting your content seen or […]


Top 10 Cryptocurrencies

Ok, so do we really even know what Cryptocurrency is? Well, most people are clueless about this since some have only heard this for quite some time. The Cryptocurrency as some believe is that it is somewhat like an experimental kind of money. Some say that this is the new […]