The millennial generation is one of the hardest populations to market to as many industries including healthcare have discovered. Tactics that could easily persuade Baby Boomers and generation X into making purchases seem to have little effect on generation Y. These are individuals who have grown up with mobile devices at their fingertips and facile accessibility to the internet. They are also known for their fast-shifting loyalties from one brand to another as long as it suits their present needs.
This generation constitutes a substantial portion of the consumer market, which is why healthcare marketers have to find effective strategies to reach them. Given the over 2 trillion dollars of buying power they command globally, pharma companies, medical institutions, and other healthcare providers cannot afford to lose their business. However, what does it take to design marketing messages that will appeal to Millennials and convince them to spend money?
Leverage Social Media
Effective marketing is all about engagement and the biggest platform where you will encounter Millennials is on social media. Individuals from this generation have come to rely on social networks for just about everything. Sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter have become the go-to sources for news, shopping, and social interactions. By taking advantage of this presence, healthcare companies can communicate their content to a very large audience. The secret is knowing how to package your social media plan to attract the right consumers.
Merely following a few influencers on Twitter or posting on Facebook once a week is not enough. Learn what young adults, professionals, and families are looking for from healthcare providers. Adding a shopping cart, posting links to your company’s blog, and live streaming events are just a few tactics that can boost your social media marketing for a millennial audience. A social media presence will also give consumers a chance to offer feedback on your services/products, which helps your company build brand trust.
Millennials Love Conversation
One reason generation Y is so dominant on social media is because it is highly vocal. When marketing your healthcare services or products, understand that this generation doesn’t back down from conversation; it thrives on it. It is the generation that popularized hashtags and trending topics on Twitter and Facebook. The ease of connectivity that technology affords Millennials gives them numerous platforms to voice their opinions. Because of this, consumers don’t just want to sit and wait for marketing messages, they want to be part of them.
They have come to trust user-generated content, which is made possible by the various tools available to these consumers. Your marketing strategies must aim to spark conversation among the target audience. Give consumers something to talk about; let them participate in the consumer experience rather than just wait for it to happen. Marketers can achieve this by posting conversation topics on social networks, through user-generated videos to promote brands and participating in forums. Even a simple retweet, share or mention can make a lot of difference to a millennial consumer.
Aim for Personalization
Check-in calls from physicians, well-being advice from healthcare providers, and reminders of doctors’ appointments are just a few ways that healthcare companies can improve their millennial marketing. Customization goes a long way when trying to sell services or products to a consumer from generation Y. Marketers have to design messages that appeal to the values and principles of consumers. However, to do that, healthcare providers must understand millennial lifestyles.
This generation is interested in healthier lifestyles, which is why organic products have populated different markets. Even so, they will still prioritize some elements of their lives like careers and social lives. Personalizing marketing campaigns gives these consumers reasons to think about their well-being. Every consumer wants to feel appreciated, but the many distractions that Millennials encounter can make that difficult. Consumers have noise from thousands of healthcare companies promising the best. Creating marketing content that responds to the individual needs of customers is one way to rise above the competitions.
Connect on Mobile
Another revolution of technology is the ability to get online from anywhere. Mobile devices contribute to the increased time Millennials spend online. As they navigate through families, college, and work, this generation depends on smartphones and tablets to stay connected. Mobile apps are also changing the game as they provide consumers with different kinds of services.
Healthcare companies and other providers are slowly understanding this demand that is why medical/healthcare mobile platforms rose in numbers. The beginning of 2016 saw over 13,000 apps circulate the market. Marketers have to be creative about reaching the mobile audience. Website responsiveness is one way. Medical and healthcare websites have to be fluid enough for customers to view them on handheld devices. Note that it is not just about the appearance of the platform, users must be able to navigate the site or app without struggling. Content should also be structured specifically for mobile to ensure millennials stay informed while on the go.
Effective marketing is about knowing who you are selling to and how to meet their expectations. Millennials don’t express enthusiasm for healthcare services and products like they do other things like technology and entertainment. For this reason, healthcare providers have a hard time reaching this generation. Millennials were born and brought up in a very different environment, which impacts how they respond to marketing messages. Understanding what makes consumers from generation Y tick is essential if you are to market your healthcare brand successfully.
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