Search Results for "electronic"

Customer services

Benefits of Electronic Invoicing

Innovative credit professionals always dream that one day the world will wake up to paperless offices where everything is done electronically. Although this vision is still far from being a reality, the current innovations are progressively bringing it closer. The first major steps forward were workflow and imaging technology. However, […]

Web reviews

My Experience With Electronic Cigarettes

If you are a smoker, just step into the convenient store and look behind the counter. Luckily, you will find an overwhelming selection of cigarettes. Most of the smokers have stick to one or two familiar brands. These variations of the electronic cigarettes have catered a multitude of preference which […]


Blue Cig Electronic Cigarettes Go Social

Since their invention in 2003, e-cigs have revolutionized the 100-year old tobacco industry. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a lot of cool technological and social improvements in the e-cig industry, some of which were even displayed at the CES 2014 event. One of the newly developed social enhancements […]


How The Electronic Cigarette Works

Unlike the traditional cigarette that causes the tobacco to burn, the electronic version does not need fire. The smoker breathes in the smoke so that the nicotine can reach the lungs and then the brain. The electronic cigarette does not function using the process of combustion, but instead heats a […]

Other stories

Top Mini Electronic Cigarette Brands

Many people want to make the switch to electronic cigarettes, but not all succeed. This mainly happens because they buy low quality personal vaporizers which do more harm than good. There are so many e-cigarette brands that it is actually difficult to keep track of them. Moreover, most promise a […]


Designing Electronic Device Labels

While a manufacturer will usually be most concerned with what is going on on the inside of an electronic device, the user will generally only interact with the outside-that is why it is important to think carefully about the design. When putting together a new device, you can add industrial […]


Should You Buy Apple TV? Top Benefits

Should you get an Apple TV? That’s the question most people find themselves faced with especially with all the hullabaloo around set-top boxes. And considering that the devices don’t come cheap and there are plenty of options on the market, it’s easy to be conflicted. But of all the smart […]


How Technology is Changing Healthcare Today

hePatients today have more access to healthcare than ever before, thanks in large part to technology, The quality of care is improving along with patient outcomes. In addition, more people can receive care promptly. As a result, healthcare overall has become smarter, more effective, and more personalized. How is this […]


Why Are My GPU Fans Not Spinning?

Graphics cards (GPUs) are essential components of today’s laptops and desktop computers, responsible for processing the millions of pixels that make up the images on your monitor. This intense workload can cause them to generate heat, which is why they have fans to keep cool. If these fans aren’t working […]