Search Results for "lasting"


Why Millennials Are Opting to Draw Up Prenups

There was a time when only the wealthy would consider drawing up a prenuptial agreement. A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two people that is drafted before they get married. It is typically used to protect both parties from loss. The reason it has been popular with celebrities or […]


The Most Common E-cigarette Brands Nowadays

E-cigarettes, e-cigs, or vapor cigs are the latest sensation as far as smoking is concerned. They are a much kinder alternative to the conventional tobacco cigarettes because they are 95% healthier. They are ideal for smokers with the pure intent to quit smoking, ex-smokers who prefer a better alternative to […]


Networking Tips for Busy Professionals

It’s not easy for everyone to know how to meet and schmooze with business connections. Networking is an art that takes practice. Most people don’t wake up one day knowing how to start up conversations and sell their business on the spot. You need guidance, including proven tactics that get […]


What’s the Big Deal About Garcinia Cambogia

For those of you who haven’t heard about it, garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that’s ubiquitous in Asia, where it’s primarily used for cooking. Why might you have heard about it? Because this little fruit is also reported to help you lose weight. Though, it’s not the meat of […]


What is the Success Rate for Addiction Recovery?

Substance abuse and addiction are tricky matters to deal with. Each individual handles things differently, and recovery is never exactly the same from one person to another. Taking a look at recovery rates for addiction can be disheartening, but the story goes deeper than just the percentages listed by studies. […]


5 Ways SEO Aids Digital Marketing

Are you moving forward into the digital age? Are you having the feeling of staying behind your competitors or being stuck in the marketing groove? Then the problem lies in your marketing strategy. Maybe, you have not embraced yet digital marketing to the fullest as the main avenue for your […]


Why LPA’s Are So Important for Your Business

For any successful business, consistency is key. Ensuring the operation runs smoothly and that continuous growth is made, is integral to the longevity of any company. As an owner of a business safeguarding your company’s future is almost as important as running it day to day. Following recent statistics, last […]