Search Results for "corporation"


Taking Control of the Reins in FX Risk Management

Many corporate treasurers face exposure to FX volatility on a daily basis. Whether their company foreign investments and borrowings or is importing and exporting goods and services from abroad, currency risk presents real and potentially severe financial dangers for those corporations who fail to develop effective strategies to minimize exposure. […]


Top Architecture Colleges in Hyderabad

A career in architecture can be challenging as well as well-paid; the following post explores the field of architecture as a career with special reference to Hyderabad. Architects are truly called the creators of civilization because without them the construction of a high rise or even a small cottage is […]

European Design Awards 2015
Web design

Unleash Your Creative Talents and Get Rewarded

Designers face tough challenges and really need to brainstorm hard to come up with unique ideas for creating designs that would serve the specific needs of the company. These have resulted in the evolution of certain contests and award ceremonies that are organized every year to honor and recognize the […]


Importance of University Accounting Assignments

Financial Accounting is a part of the overall financial management of a company, though it is different from the management accounting. However, the point to be noted is that, financial accounting Assignments plays one of the most major roles in the entire financial management. In fact, you can say that, where […]

Other stories

Could You Survive a Technology Blackout

In this technological age, it's almost impossible to imagine how life can be without the use of modern devices. From smartphones to the Internet, most people today find it hard to spend even just a few hours without using any form of new technology. Despite the importance of technology in […]

Social media

Executives Using Social Media to Promote Philanthropy

Social media is the perfect platform for business people to share their philanthropic activities with the rest of the world. There are websites that are dedicated towards sharing certain interests that are nicely organized with tags, pins and other virtual icons. Wealthy executives often participate in charitable causes that help […]


Key Actions to Hosting a Successful Video Conference

In the constantly changing worlds of business and commerce, innovation remains a constant and Omni-potent factor. From the Cloud and sophisticated remote communication techniques to the concept of video conference, even small and independent businesses now have access to advanced technology that enables them to complete with larger corporations. Video […]