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Rocking the Town with a Pair of Mens Creepers Shoes

Every once in a while contemporary shoe and cloth designers borrow from history to give a refreshing style for fashion lovers. Some of these styles especially in shoe wear are fads which fade fast but some remain to become trendsetters. Mens Creepers belong to this latter category of fashion milestones. […]


Going Down Memory Lane with Creeper Shoes

Perhaps the greatest agony fashion lovers have is finding out what is in vogue and what is not. As you might already know, what is in today might make you the laughing stock tomorrow. Yet this is not the case with the ever-fashionable creeper shoes. With a history going back […]


Creeper Shoes: Tested and Trusted

Any product that retains its popularity through generations must have something special to it and that special thing is to be found in creeper shoes. As popular today as they were in the middle of the past century, creepers have truly been tested and trusted. The original wearers of this […]


Even Casual Runners Need a Good Pair of Shoes

Whether part of a workout or weight-loss regimen or just for fun, even casual runners need to be well equipped with a good pair of shoes. Choosing running shoes with good support, flexibility, and above all an excellent fit is crucial for preventing injury, improving form, and maximizing even the […]

Small business

Building a Business on a Shoestring Budget

The world economy is constantly changing, thanks primarily to the fluctuating fortunes being experienced by both developed and emerging economies alike. While 2012 saw the continued emergence of developing economies such as China, India and Brazil, for example, this year has seen more established nations such as the UK and […]


History of Converse Shoes

One of the popular shoe brands in the market today, and also the favorite of many teenagers and young ones, is Converse. Converse is perhaps the oldest, most sought-after, and best-selling shoe brands of all time with a total of $1.1 billion annual revenue as of 2011. It has been […]


Tips for Buying Wedding Shoes

It’s that time of the year again when thoughts turn to wedding bells and honeymoons in the sun. This of course, means there’s a ton of planning ahead which includes finding the perfect dress, a superb venue and so much more. Once the major things are sorted, then it’s time […]

Other stories

Tips for Effective Retail Phone Calls

Whether it’s a good old-fashioned brush-off or a more serious objection, sales reps need to be ready for anything when it comes to objection handling. Instead of contradicting a prospect or forcing them to change their minds, it’s important to help them understand your product by empathizing and relating; here […]


The Role of 3D Printing in Revolutionizing Industries

Over the past decade, 3D printing has emerged as a transformative technology that is revolutionizing various industries worldwide. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing involves creating objects layer by layer based on digital 3D models. This innovative technology provides unmatched capabilities in terms of customization, complexity, speed, and sustainability. […]