Search Results for "excess salt"


Propylene Glycol: What It Is and Its Uses

Propylene glycol is a colorless and odorless liquid which can be derived from natural gas, petroleum, or vegetable sources. It is widely used because of its relatively low cost and versatile nature. Propylene Glycol is found in many personal-care products like hair conditioner, shampoo, and styling products. The industrial-grade is […]


A Review of Tom Brady Diet

The diet Tom Brady followed is also recognized as TB12 process. The diet plan is based on whole foods and introduced by Tom Brady, a professional American football player. The diet is supposed to be one of the key factors for Brady’s durability in the world of professional football. The […]

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What do you need to know about the wooden boats?

It is challenging to convince the average young boater who prefers fancy boats that are made with artificial materials to procure wooden boats because wood is currently the best shipbuilding material but once the decision is taken, before purchasing a wooden boat, a boater needs to determine his boat requirements. […]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Herbal and Natural Remedies for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

IBS is known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome that disturbs the bowel movements of an individual. It causes the pain in lower abdominal pain, bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, gastric problem, general weakness, disturbance indigestion, fatigue, difficulty in sleeping, anxiety, & depression, etc. Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder. There are […]

14 Keys to a Healthy Diet

14 Keys to a Healthy Diet

Creating smart dieting propensities isn’t as confounding or as prohibitive the same number of individuals envision. The fundamental advances are to eat for the most part sustenances got from plants—vegetables, organic products, entire grains and vegetables (beans, peas, lentils)— and limit very handled nourishments. Here are our rules for building […]


Effective Home Remedies to Clear Yeast Infections

An infection causes localized inflammation in the human body, which follows by redness, itching or flaking of the skins etc. Among all microbial infections, yeast infections are spectacularly notorious for being contagious and for giving the patient a tough time to get rid of it. For last two decades, emergence […]


Food Recipes For 1 Year Old Baby

Feeding your little one what the rest of the family members eating is often a difficult task for moms to get over than it really is for baby. But your baby is prepared and technically has been ingesting tenderer, simple variations of adult food for a while now. It’s good […]


ASME Process Pressure Vessels – an Overview

Pressure vessels are designed to hold liquids and gasses at a different pressure than the normal ambient pressure. They have a vast use in the industry and even in the private sector. Since they are operating under a great pressure, if not handled properly, pressure vessels might be the cause […]