Search Results for "develop fatty"


10 Superfoods That Can Boost Your Mental Health

While you probably already know that eating healthy is essential for your physical health, you may not be aware that there are several foods that can boost your mental health as well. Refined sugar and simple carbohydrates may boost your mood temporarily, but the crash that follows a short time […]


How to Cope Up with Chemotherapy Side Effects?

Chemotherapy can help fight cancer, prolong a person’s life, and potentially cure cancer as well. But chemotherapy comes with side effects too. Chemotherapy side effects are quite unpredictable and it largely depends on the type of chemo drug the patient is consuming. Chemotherapy, at times, cannot differentiate between normal and […]


Mediterranean Diet Benefits for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a state that occurs when a person’s bones become weak and brittle, placing them at risk of breaking easily. Once the condition develops, there is no cure to completely reverse its effects. Nevertheless, there are several ways of preventing further damage to the bones, one of which is […]


Important Vitamins And Nutrients During Pregnancy

There are two sorts of iron. You get heme iron from meat, poultry, and fish. You get non-heme iron from plant-based nourishments, similar to beans, organic products, vegetables, and nuts, or sustenances produced using plants, similar to grain. Your body ingests more non-he me iron when you eat products of […]

Elder care

Eye Care For Older Adults – What You Need To Know

Vision problems are common among older adults, ranging from presbyopia, far-sightedness that may strike around middle age, to more serious issues such as cataracts and glaucoma. Despite how common they are, though, these vision problems aren’t inevitable. With proper eye care, you can minimize the likelihood that you will experience […]

Other stories

Why Do Our Pets Become Sick?

Our pets often become sick because a toxic bowel creates a toxic body. The use of commercial pet food with artificial colors or flavors, chemical preservatives, nitrates, and rancid animal fats interferes with digestion. These harmful chemicals add a double whammy to your pet’s body in conjunction with the poor […]


Health Benefits of CBD Oil: What is CBD oil?

Whаt iѕ CBD Oil? CBD оil iѕ extracted from thе саnnаbiѕ рlаnt that соntаinѕ a group of incredible mоlесulеѕ саllеd саnnаbinоidѕ. THC is the most well-known cannabinoid for it’s psychoactive affects and ability to give the user a high. CBD oil however is typically extracted from hemp, the name given […]


Should You Be Concerned about Sagging Jowls?

Sagging jowls are one of the most common complaints of men and women going through the natural aging process. As we age, the skin can begin to show wear and tear as early as 30 years old. During your 30’s is usually when the structural components of youthful skin start […]