Search Results for "- embarrassed"


Top 6 Negative Emotions that Actually Cause Constipation

Who could have thought that being depressed, angry, or anxious makes you susceptible to constipation? There is now a study linking chronic constipation to anxiety and depression. Leading medical experts believe that constipation has an emotional basis. It seems you will have to do more than dietary modifications, exercising and […]


Top Three Beauty Treatments

There are some beauty treatments that you cannot live without. The human body needs constant upkeep as it is usually attempting to revert back to its unkempt state. These usually require the procedures that cannot be done by yourself. You need a professional to do them for you. Women and […]

stressed man screaming

10 Simple Techniques to Release Stress

When you continue adding air to a balloon, it becomes bigger and bigger until it can take no more and, with a loud bang, it gives in to the pressure. Not much remains afterwards. Stress has the same effect on people. Too much, and harmful effects will surely follow. But […]


Tips for Soon-To-Be Mothers

Having a baby for the first time is pretty frightening, considering you have no idea how exactly your life will look like. Luckily, you will have the whole nine months to prepare for this new future, and to brace yourself for all the possible changes that are to come. If […]

Elder care

How to Stay in Good Health as You Get Older

In general, young people don’t tend to worry that much about their health and well-being. Sure, it’s great to be in good shape, but as long as you’re not too overweight or feeling depressed, you’re probably going to be alright. However, when you get older, the same rules don’t always […]


Overwhelmed by Stuff? Smart Decluttering Tips

Besides the most diligently organized and neat among us, most people have amassed quite a bit of ‘stuff' over the years that makes our homes look unattractive, and likely causes us a good degree of angst. There is always that intention to declutter, but it gets buried under the sense […]