Search Results for "withstand"


Practical Uses of Carbon Fibre Fabric

Carbon fibre is mostly based on a tar like petrol based pitch, or a plastic commonly used for clothing textiles called polyacrylonitrile. It has an ability to withstand high temperatures and its molecular structure is much like graphite; very stable, giving it a high melting point and making it less likely to […]


3D PDF Brain Imaging and Its Application in Court Trials

3D PDF brain imaging has various honest and lawful applications, notwithstanding paramount clinical applications. 3D PDF brain imaging techniques are fundamentally used to study mind and conduct connections, which help clinical and exploration teaches, for example, radiology, psychiatry, neurology, and clinical neuropsychology. Then again, there are various routes in which […]


Industries that Use Conductive Polymers

Conductive polymers (or conductive plastics) have led to major advances in technology because they do not conduct electricity and act as an insulator. Many industries have adopted this into their products, most of which we use today. Plastics have many advantages to them: they are durable, weather resistant, and they last a […]

Rugged Computing Devices

Consumerization Of Rugged Computing Devices

Once limited to durables scrapped in warehouses, the market for rugged computing devices has expanded in recent years to include classifications of computing gadgets that are capable of functioning in harsh environmental conditions. The demand for rugged devices outside the four walls - such as manufacturing plants, warehousing and distribution centers […]

Exercise For Arthritis

Exercises to Prevent Disability Due to Arthritis

For those of us who suffer from some form of arthritis, the idea of exercising seems like a bad one. After all, our joints hurt, right? Why make them hurt even more with exercise? This seems logical, but…it's wrong. Counterintuitive as it seems, exercise is actually our friend. Moderate exercise […]


The Importance of Valve Stem Covers

Valve stem covers play a crucial role in many applications. It is primary to take proper care of the cover. Damage to any part of the valve stem leads to excessive loss of air, causing unwanted accidents. The stem, which is part of the system, should receive its share of […]


Hiking tips for beginners

Mountain hiking is an ideal activity for those who lack outdoorsy physical exercises, yet don't like sports which require quick outbursts of energy and excessive sweating. It is also an ideal way to recharge your batteries and make you feel like a brand new person after having a stressful week […]


The Benefits of Sleeping on Silk

Have you ever wondered why you work up with a sleep line or a sleep crease on your face? Even if the creases normally go away later they are actually a perfect indication of the damage that is already done on your face when you don't sleep on the right […]