Search Results for "inflammation"


Prostate Cancer-Disorder Summary

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men which is mostly found in older men. Nearly 1 out of 6 men will probably receive a prostate cancer diagnosis sometime in their lives. The National Cancer Institute estimated that nearly 8% of men between the age range 50-70 will […]


Understanding Mesothelioma and Related Treatments

Since 2000, asbestos materials are banned in the UK because they contain fibres that cause serious health problems and even fatality when breathed in. In addition to the condition called asbestosis, inflammation and scarring of the lungs, a type of cancer known as mesothelioma is the by-product of asbestos exposure. […]


How to Deal with Sensitive Skin

It seems that for every little step that we make towards the better understanding of the world around us, we change it to that extent that we have to keep relearning the rules. While we are constantly improving our knowledge when it comes to medicine, for instance, we are also […]


Prevention of Arthritis: How Bananas Can Help

Despite what many suspect about arthritis, most doctors recommend a healthier diet to their patients rather than a mountain of pills. While you should naturally watch the portion size to what you eat, you should also put a primary focus on fruits, vegetables and nuts. The expected diet is dependent […]

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How to Increase Life Expectancy

Many people think that how long they live doesn’t depend on them. Well, it does, and much more than you would think. Our lifestyle, work, habits, what we eat, how we eat, how we sleep… These are all factors that influence our life expectancy. Some major fatal conditions are caused […]